National Science Foundation:
Revolutionizing Engineering Departments

Revolutionizing engineering departments (RED) is a significant, multi-directorate program emanating from the National Science Foundation’s IUSE (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education) framework and PFE (Professional Formation of Engineers) initiative. The program supports departments that want to rethink engineering education and design "revolutionary new approaches to engineering education, ranging from changing the canon of engineering to fundamentally altering the way courses are structured to creating new departmental structures and educational collaborations with industry." This experiment in large-scale academic change began in 2015 with the first cohort of grantees. Since then, thirty departments have participated in NSF RED-funded initiatives. Additional details are available on the NSF RED program page.
This website includes information about all funded NSF RED projects, searchable by year of funding or discipline focus. Since 2015, NSF has also funded the RED Participatory Action Research (REDPAR) project (current awards: 2317318, 2317319; past awards: 2005244, 2005307, 1540072, 1649318, 1540042, 1649379) to conduct research on change with the NSF RED teams who are pursuing their departmental projects, as well as to support and facilitate the NSF RED Community of Practice. REDPAR translates the research produced through this collaboration into practical strategies for affecting change, and makes those strategies available to NSF RED teams, as well as to the broader academic community. REDPAR is a collaboration between the Making Academic Change Happen team (MACH) at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and University of Washington's Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity (CERSE). This information has been collected and aggregated by the REDPAR team.
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Any mistakes or omissions are the responsibility of the REDPAR team.